Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tourism Projects

Sometimes I steal ideas.  When I read this post about tourism in English speaking cities, I knew I had a winner I could modify for my seventh graders. 

I broke my class into six groups of three and let them choose one of the top ten most populated cities in the world to research.  However, instead of merely researching and reporting on the city, we added a twist.  Groups had to present this as a tourism sales pitch trying to convince us to visit this city.  

I also gave the students a voice in what the project would look like.  They gave me tons of input about what should be involved, how long it should be, and even the due date.  

Overall, I was very pleased with the final outcome.  They did a great job creating presentations and web sites, mashing in videos and pics, and even bringing in non-techie items (including yummy food!).  Well done!

You can see the presentations below.  (I think one of them is not shared publicly.  Sorry.)

One interesting note about this project. I always give kids a range of time a presentation ought to be. Normally, most students squeak in at the bare minimum time. Not this time. I had a number of groups go over the time range until I had to press the hurry button on the last couple groups.

In case you're wondering about the rest of the procedures, here are the instructions I gave the students along the way.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Very Cool!!!!! I am teaching a Hospitality Tourism and Recration course at a continuation HS in San Leandro Ca. 1st year!!!! This is a great research project and the presentations show how real life projects can inspire students!!! I am creating my example NOW:)))) Thank you for sharing!!!!! I also teach a Practical Arts course with curriculm developed by Accademic Innovations... http://www.careerchoices.com/ pretty cool stuff FYI:) Josh Kampling...jkampling@slusd.us
