Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Can You Help My Student With MineCraft?

Sam's Innovation Project is to create a pyramid with a maze to Pharaoh's loot inside the maze.  He included two pictures in his update, and I'm really excited to see his final product.

However, there is a problem.  Something about the roof of the world and floating in air.  I'm quite MineCraft illiterate.  Is there anyone out there who can help Sam solve his problem? 

I ran into my biggest fear. I had made my pyramid in the sky so I could get a flat area. But the pyramid was to tall and hit the roof of the world. And it was right after I had finished the maze. I am stuck in deciding to start over or just make that a open top to look through for my presentation. 

Thank you!


  1. Possibly create a flat surface to cover the top...potentially a couple layers down like a crow's nest up top. (I'm not 100% literate) BUT I do like the open top for the Preso!

  2. If you can install a mod like Construction Mod (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2126877-164-forge-sspsmp-mrcrayfishs-construction-mod-v105-aoe-inspired-construction-bug-fixes/) You can pickup and move the pyramid to a new location. Actually, you make a blueprint for the pyramid, and you can then build as many as you'd like!

    1. Never mind - just realized it's iOS Minecraft from the screenshots. I don't think there is a way without mods. I'm also not aware of a way moving an iOS world to a pc/mac and then using the mod. Sorry!

    2. Thanks for trying. Sam would have appreciated it if he only knew. :) Enjoy the snow in MA!
