Sunday, August 21, 2011

Slow Start

As you know, I'm starting at a new school this year.  When I was hired I was told that all students from 7th grade and up would have an iPad to use this school year and that my 5th and 6th graders would have a cart of 20 iPads to share.  Cool!  I was excited, and it was one reason why I decided to sign on to the school.

The iPad2s are here.  A very nice and fun tool.  However, I'm missing a few things.  Basically, the infrastructure is not quite there yet for us to start the school year using the shiny new toys.  Instead, I must rely on the new computer lab right across the hall from me for the first couple of months.  As my wife reminded me, it's not such a bad thing.  Right now I'm overwhelmed with everything else being new.  It's nice to not have to worry about the iPads as well.

Since I'm also going to be a couple months behind the first wave of teachers starting with iPads this year, I'll have a glimpse of what works and what doesn't... at least I hope so.

For the time being, here are the apps I have downloaded that I think may help me be a better teacher or make my students better learners. 
IEP Checklist

What about you? What do you have on your iPad?  What's working in your classroom?

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