What you are about to see is adapted from worksheets I sent home and put on my class web site. Every Monday I presented the kids with these handouts so there would be no question of the assignments due each week. One mom commented that her son (who happens to have ADHD) really liked knowing ahead of time what the journal assignments were. That gave him time to think through his entries before it was actually assigned. One downfall is that some kids liked to read or work ahead, if that bothers you.
Feel free to use, misuse, or adapt what I have below. In the meantime, please also make comments or email me if you have other great ideas to make this unit better.
Week 1 Assignments
The purpose of this page is not for you to work ahead, but to keep the paper usage to a minimum. We’ll use this paper as a calendar to help us work through this week of school. Please stay with us and don’t get ahead. Thank you!
Monday: Read chapters 1 and 2 in class. For homework, you need to go to www.awholenotherbook.com. Watch the trailer and the Dr. Soup video. Email me at cdunlap@mvca-oh.com when you are done. Tell me your favorite part of each video. You have till bedtime on Tuesday to send me the email. I will send you a response when I get your email so you’ll know.
Tuesday: Reading Response Journal. Pick one Cheeseman children. You will be writing from his/her point of view. Tell the story from chapters 1 and 2 from his/her perspective. (At least a half page) For homework, read chapters 3 and 4. Yes, you may start in class when you are done the journal.
Wednesday: In class you will read chapter 5. For homework you will need to go back to the book’s website. Click on Fun Stuff (the plane flying across the top). Under Brain Games, take the quizzes on Maggie’s Shampoo and the Fake Names. You also should participate in the NIC. Email me (see the address above) with how you did on the quizzes and your new name. Your quiz results will not be reflected in your grade. I just want to see that you did it. You have till bedtime on Sunday to email me with this information.
Thursday: Reading Response Journal. Look through the advice given by Dr. Soup in the first five chapters. What additional advice would you give to the readers and/or characters? (At least a half page) Your homework is to read chapters 6-8. This is due Monday as you won’t be here on Friday.
Friday: No school. Don’t forget to email me about the web site and to read the chapters. Enjoy your long weekend!
Week 2 Assignments
The purpose of this page is not for you to work ahead, but to keep the paper usage to a minimum. We’ll use this paper as a calendar to help us work through this week of school. Please stay with us and don’t get ahead. Thank you!
Monday –
· We will be in the computer lab today. You will do a Flow Map of Chapter 6. You will be required to have 3 main “stages” and 2 “sub-stages” below each. Print your map, making sure your name and date are on there, and give it to me. I want this before you leave the computer lab, but I will gladly take it first thing in class tomorrow.
· Your homework (which you may tackle if you have time after the Flow Map) is to read Chapters 9 and 10.
Tuesday –
· Reading Response Journal. Write as if you are one of the Cheeseman Kids. Tell the story of meeting Jibby and his crew from the child’s point of view. (at least a ½ page)
· Read chapters 11-12 for homework.
Wednesday –
· Read chapter 13.
· You have till bedtime Sunday night to do the following on www.awholenotherbook.com:
o Take the Villain Quiz (Brain Games).
o Read the entire Slide Show Widget and Readers’ Unsolicited Advice.
o Email me (cdunlap@mvca-oh.com) to tell me your score on the quiz and your top two favorite pieces of advice.
Thursday –
· Reading Response Journal. If you were to email Dr. Soup with your own unsolicited advice, what would it be and why. (at least a ½ page) With your parents’ permission you may actually do this.
· Read chapters 14-16 for homework.
Friday – Station Day! Use the weekend to get caught up on your work! J Enjoy!
The purpose of this page is not for you to work ahead, but to keep the paper usage to a minimum. We’ll use this paper as a calendar to help us work through this week of school. Please stay with us and don’t get ahead. Thank you!
Week 3:
· We will go to the computer lab today. You are to create a tree map about the villains in the story. Break the villains into their categories (corporate hoodlums, international superspies, and hypersecret government agents) and then give the individual names of each villain. You may work with a friend on this, but you each need to turn in your own map. We have one day in the lab, so I want it turned in Monday. However, if you don’t finish it in class I’ll gladly take it Tuesday without penalty.
· Read chapters 17-18 for homework.
· Reading Response Journal – Each of the Cheeseman kids made friends in their new home. Tell the friend-making story from that child’s point of view. (At least a ½ page)
· Read chapters 19-20 for homework.
· Read chapter 21
· Wiki assignment. This will be a quiz grade. Mr. Little will work with you in computer class tomorrow to get you started. He will expect that you bring the following items to class: your favorite journal entry from AWNS and a picture drawn and colored by you that goes with the entry. It will be due the end of the school day November 10.
· For further instructions, see https://mvcaelementary.wikispaces.com/ or https://mvcaelementary.wikispaces.com/AWNS+Wiki+Directions.
· Reading Response Journal – The kids move frequently and get to change their names and personalities each time. What would your new persona be if you could have a clean change? Would you like to move as much as they do? (At least a half page.)
· Read chapters 22-23.
· Finish the Book!
· Your AR Test is due by next Friday.
Week 4
· A Whole Nother Unsolicited Advice Assignment: Find your favorite piece of unsolicited advice. It can be from the book, the web site, or your brain. (Hint: Make sure it’s appropriate for school use. If you’re not sure, ask me.) Making sure it’s spelled correctly, decorate a piece of computer paper with the advice. Make it colorful. Make it beautiful. Make it decorative. It will hang in the hallway when you are done. Due Tuesday.
· Don’t forget that your wiki is due on Thursday.
· Don’t forget to take your AR Test due Friday.
· A Whole Nother Acting Assignment: As a group, pick your favorite chapter. Do the following…
o Make a Flow Map of the 5 most important events of the chapter. Since I don’t have Thinking Map software in my room, you’re not required to put it on the official software. Use Word or a whole nother software… or use paper and pencil.
o Write a script. Make sure there is a copy for me to read as you act.
o Practice, practice, practice.
o This is due Friday. It is a quiz grade. See the bottom of this page for what I’m grading on.
· Don’t forget that your wiki is due on Thursday.
· Don’t forget to take your AR Test due Friday.
· Continue working on A Whole Nother Acting Assignment.
· Don’t forget that your wiki is due on Thursday.
· Don’t forget to take your AR Test due Friday.
· Continue working on A Whole Nother Acting Assignment.
· Your wiki must be done by 2:40 today to get full credit.
· Don’t forget to take your AR Test due Friday.
· You’ll be acting out your chapter today. You won’t have prep time. Come to me prepared!
· AR Tests must be done by 2:40 today to get full credit.
· Something to think about… “My favorite villain was _____________, because ____________.”
Grading A Whole Nother Acting Assignment:
I will be looking for…
· Accurate summary of the chapter.
· A script handed to me before you start with a Flow Map stapled to the back.
· 3-5 minutes
· Everyone involved.
· Group cooperation.
· Creativity (including props and costumes)
Weeks 5 and 6
· Now that your wiki is done, I want your journals to make sure you did all six entries. You have till tomorrow to give them to me.
· You are going to write a paragraph about your favorite villain in the story. Remember to use the 3-point paragraph structure that we’ve been working on all year long. Refer to your paragraph notes. Your final copy will be due on Thursday. Staple in this order: final, rough draft with 3 proofreaders, Bubble Map (not required to be on Thinking Map software). By now, you are familiar with my expectations on paragraphs, but if you have a question, please ask. This is a test grade.
· If you didn’t give me your journal yesterday, then you need to turn it in today.
· We’ll spend most of our time talking about roller coasters.
· Villain Paragraph due on Thursday.
· Now, we’ll talk about plot hills. See the handout I’ll give in class.
· Don’t forget about the paragraph due tomorrow. Yes, I’ll take it today if it’s complete.
· I’m collecting paragraphs first thing.
· Today, I’m going to read you a story, and we’re going to put the major events on a plot hill.
· Your homework due Monday… “In my opinion, the 5 most important events of AWNS are…” Put it on notebook paper.
Station Day!
· We will put the major events of AWNS on a plot hill.
I’m not sure what we’re going to do. Maybe we’ll use this as an overflow day. Maybe I’ll come up with another assignment. One thing is certain. You will no longer need your copy of AWNS in class after Thanksgiving.
You will have a Plot Hill Quiz on Friday, December 2.
You can find our wiki site at https://mvcaelementary.wikispaces.com/.
You can email me at cdunlap@mvca-oh.com.
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